Meet County Clare – Sixteen-year-old Veronica Pierce flanked by her fourteen-year-old twin siblings, Frank and Mary Alice, are introducing their first single, “Let us Choose.” Nashville natives of Irish descent, the Pierces deliver a passionate plea for unity with their tight, sibling harmonies.


For the company’s debut single, NavyCourt Records chose to release this timely ballad, timely even though the original version was banned in 1972 by Richard Courtney, the uncle of members of County Clare.  Unfortunately, the message is as relevant today as it was when Courtney originally put pen to paper.

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Some behind-the-scenes photos of the video shoot and studio session



 (Courtney, Draper, Ruleman, Ruhlman)



We helped Ravi dig a tunnel, they fenced in Edwin’s Yard

Traveling through our secret channel, Little Joey Standing guard

Tommy’s dad said we shouldn’t play with Millie

Something about the color of her skin

We all thought, that was really silly

So we made a way to let her in


We’ll reach out to friends over fences with no gates

We’ll reach out to friends over walls that separate

And we won’t let fear teach us to hate.

Let us choose our own playmates


I go to church in a little chapel, Joey goes to a temple

We play together every afternoon, yeah life can be that simple

God made us kids all shapes and sizes

Tall, small, brown black and white

And filled our hearts, with love and kindness

That love will help us, get it right



Let us choose, let us choose, let us choose, let us choose.

Let us choose, let us choose, let us choose, let us choose.

Let us choose, let us choose, let us choose, let us choose.

Let us choose, let us choose, let us choose, let us choose.


Music by Richard Courtney, Denise Draper, Scott Ruleman, and Bill Ruleman

County Clare, managed by NavyCourt Entertainment - Nashville, Tennessee- 615-300-0883