Veronica Pierce

Born in Washington, DC, Veronica Pierce, moved to Nashville when I was 18 months old. Her earliest passions were singing and dancing. She joined any choir she could find - at school, church and in the community.  She was chosen to perform with the Blair School of Music for four years and currently performs at Dance Company at Harpeth Hall School, sings in the school’s Chamber Choir, and participates in plays and musicals, most recently Frankenstein and No No Nanette. In addition to singing and dancing, Veronica plays softball, participates in writing competitions, and travels with her family. She hopes to continue singing with a choir and to study Celtic History and French in college.


Veronica loves to help people in her community. Recently, with Mary Alice and other friends, she started an organization called Safe Vote, which creates kits filled with masks and gloves to help older adults and those vulnerable to disease vote safely. She says she is “extremely happy that I get to participate and be involved with social issues such as this, and expressing it through my singing with County Clare is even better!”


Veronica is beyond grateful to be able to work with her uncle, brother, sister, and everyone else who has helped create these songs to address the issues of life today and make change in the world.

Frank Pierce

Frank Pierce was born in Nashville, seven minutes after his twin, Mary Alice. A freshman in high school, he loves to sing and act and has been doing so for years, starting with his grade school musicals. Later on, he held key roles in musicals and plays, most recently in Frankenstein and Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None. Frank also enjoys school, especially studying American and World history.


Frank is very interested in politics and the decisions and decision makers who are shaping national and world politics today. Frank appreciates the opportunity to be part of County Clare and address important issues of today. He says: “I am happy to be able to express these messages through music.”

Mary Alice Pierce

Mary Alice Pierce is a freshman in high school. Born in Nashville, just minutes ahead of her twin Frank, she has long been embedded in the arts, regardless of medium. A natural visual artist, Mary Alice particularly loves found art and has been incorporating everyday, discarded objects in her paintings and sculptures since she was very young. She also plays the drums and the ukulele, and is dabbling in the guitar.


For several years, Mary Alice has been a lead and back-up vocalist in performance groups at School of Rock, and also participates in her school’s theatre program. In early 2020, she brought down the house with her pitch perfect performance as Mary Poppins in the musical Mary Poppins at Harpeth Hall School.


Mary Alice says she loves her family “more than anything in the world” and loves doing things with them, including singing. She is so proud of her Uncle Richard Courtney for taking a stand with his songs and is honored to support him through her music.


County Clare, managed by NavyCourt Entertainment - Nashville, Tennessee- 615-300-0883